Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The trip to 49's

Dear Vana'diel,

Well I got redmage to 75. that makes 3 mage jobs now. I decided that it was time to expand my horizans and lvl a mele job. after much thought i picked warrior it seems to be the red mage of Meles. Well i decided to hit the ground running on that but first i need sub jobs ready.I know I know right now the level cap is 75 and lvl 37 should be acceptable but......... SE is raising the level to 99 so I got to get rdy early. I looked at my 3 75's right now WHM BLM and RDM since I got sch 62 a while back all my mage subs are covered except for one. so nin was the first job i lvld from 37-49 after that i hit drk which is now 45. when that hits 49 im gonna lvl pld for an interesting rdm sub. then its time to hit the war subs i chose my path to be sam, thf, dnc, mnk(well maybe Mnk). well by the time I get all those lvl'd then im gonn hit the ground running full steam with war this gonna be interesting to see were I get the time to lvl all those so wish me luck.


P.S.This first increase to lvl 80 is less then a month away so i may take break from subjob leveling to level whm,rdm,blm to lvl 80

Real LIFE moment

Dear Earth,

It's been a while since I posted any thing. Well I didn't receive any unemployment. Oh well. but I got a new job.Another overnight job. I'm stocking at Lowes hardware. to be completely honest if i would of gotten this job a week or 2 after I got fired i might feel different about it. But since i kinda had a 3 month break hanging out with friends and just well having a social life kinda changed my views on working nights. while it will be fine for now I must admit I want a day job badly. ill keep my eyes and ears open maybe something will pop up.

Now Lowes i must say is a far cry from wally world for one its a crew of about 10 people as opposed to a crew of about 50. and while the work is definitely a lot harder on me physically it's expotionally better mentally. I don't have management on my tail at all the times questioning my every move down to the microsecond. Hell I only see my manager during lunch. Also, when I was working at wally world I slept in the afternoon or evening and learned that that may not be the best option. I sleep in the morning now, because of that I now get a full 8hrs every day and its wonderful.

I was gonna make this small but i kinda rambled on a little to much. So Ta Ta for now.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Dear Vana'diel,

Not much to say but here are some pics

Dear Earth,

Last week I lost my job. 5 years at Wal-mart Thrown away because I took me to long to straighten up the valentines stuff 2days before the big day and because I called in with the flu back in December 2 months before. I've talked to a few of my former co-workers since and it sounds like I was set up to fail. I wasn't being fired because I couldn't do my job I was being fired because the assistant manager on duty didn't like me. Its been a week now and Ive applied for unemployment. But considering my luck as of late I don't think I'm going to receive it. I've also started applying for work at other places. I cant believe how many questions are asked in the applications alone its kinda ridiculous.

Its been week and i never realized how much my job was dragging me down how depressed it was making me. How much it was making me not want to do anything. In the past week Ive completely cleaned up my apartment. and as embarrassed as I am to say it before it liked one of those crazy pack rat homes but now its spotless. The day it happened I turned to FFXI pretty much sucked myself into this fantasy world hoping my job loss was not true. But I find the longer I go the less time i need to escape. although when I log in its good to know I have friends there willing to listen and help me. Witch of course when i mentioned i cleaned my apartment i need to thank Ryan(Aka Allyie) for coming over and assisting I don't think I could of done it without his help.

For those that read this I know its just rambling but I hope you understand it.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dear Vana'dial,

Oh do I have some stories for you. First, of all Jimma, Ste, I have made piece with one another. The fighting between us has come to an end. I am also Getting a cold which mak
es me all EWWWEY. well on the adventureing front I ventured into sky and guess what I remembered to take screenshots lets have look shall we:

here we are getting TP before we slaughtered Suzaku. Congratulations needs to be given Allyie for his aquisition of a D-cloth.

O look here we are fighting Suzaku and yes our poor friend triet was murdered in the assualt.

here we are fighting Seiryu and I magically became a taru trust me this was at the high point of the battle everyone almost died buy the time we got the kill and the drops were crap but oh well im told we now have all the requirements to face the mighty Kirin.

Well till we meet again.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dear Vana'diel:
Since I started this blog a mere few days ago on all my events I keep telling my self "remember the screenshots remember the screenshots" but do I, NO. Today was a rather slow day I started off doing the ACP final fight for my honey Senseireborn. Unfortunately we didn't get the clear. Shortly there after Sensei had to go to work but I so I got my good ole pal Allyie to come and take sensei's place. After a long and grueling fight we got the the boss down to 2% and wiped :-( . Disheveled from our loss we licked our wounds and returned home.

Following a quick meal break Allyie, Superguppie, and I needed to visit the horrid places known as promyvion to get silvers for the soon to be faught apocolypse nigh battle. While time consuming it was an easy task. Soon the zilart brothers will fall again.

Well now that business is out of the way I must say that I discoverd DAT modding and all it took was one thing to puss me over the edge. I've only altered a few pieces and maybe a few spell animations but take a look:

So Ive made my noble's tunic, blessed pants, and wal-mart turbin look extra spiffy. Ive also added new animations to my elemental staffs to make them look all glowy. and last but not least I changed my cure spells but to what is my secret and mine alone. Just kidding but I will give you a small taste.

Thats just Curaga II each tier is a difrent color and its not just the -ga cures Ive also changed the single target ones as well. So, on that note I bid you good bye and happy adventuring.

Dear Vana'diel,

I don't want to go into much detail but yesterday saw the end of an era. The long memorable friendship I had with Stupendous Ste and Joyous Jimma came to an end. I'll always have the LOL's, Ab offs, and man bags to make me smile. To Jimma and Ste I say may your strikes be true and adventures be brave.
