Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The trip to 49's

Dear Vana'diel,

Well I got redmage to 75. that makes 3 mage jobs now. I decided that it was time to expand my horizans and lvl a mele job. after much thought i picked warrior it seems to be the red mage of Meles. Well i decided to hit the ground running on that but first i need sub jobs ready.I know I know right now the level cap is 75 and lvl 37 should be acceptable but......... SE is raising the level to 99 so I got to get rdy early. I looked at my 3 75's right now WHM BLM and RDM since I got sch 62 a while back all my mage subs are covered except for one. so nin was the first job i lvld from 37-49 after that i hit drk which is now 45. when that hits 49 im gonna lvl pld for an interesting rdm sub. then its time to hit the war subs i chose my path to be sam, thf, dnc, mnk(well maybe Mnk). well by the time I get all those lvl'd then im gonn hit the ground running full steam with war this gonna be interesting to see were I get the time to lvl all those so wish me luck.


P.S.This first increase to lvl 80 is less then a month away so i may take break from subjob leveling to level whm,rdm,blm to lvl 80

Real LIFE moment

Dear Earth,

It's been a while since I posted any thing. Well I didn't receive any unemployment. Oh well. but I got a new job.Another overnight job. I'm stocking at Lowes hardware. to be completely honest if i would of gotten this job a week or 2 after I got fired i might feel different about it. But since i kinda had a 3 month break hanging out with friends and just well having a social life kinda changed my views on working nights. while it will be fine for now I must admit I want a day job badly. ill keep my eyes and ears open maybe something will pop up.

Now Lowes i must say is a far cry from wally world for one its a crew of about 10 people as opposed to a crew of about 50. and while the work is definitely a lot harder on me physically it's expotionally better mentally. I don't have management on my tail at all the times questioning my every move down to the microsecond. Hell I only see my manager during lunch. Also, when I was working at wally world I slept in the afternoon or evening and learned that that may not be the best option. I sleep in the morning now, because of that I now get a full 8hrs every day and its wonderful.

I was gonna make this small but i kinda rambled on a little to much. So Ta Ta for now.
